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Just published: draft texts of IHI calls 9 and 10

We publish the draft topics ahead of the call launch to give applicants extra time to start networking and preparing a proposal.

17 October 2024
A laptop, spiral-bound notepad, pencil, cup of coffee and a small plant are seen from above. The background is green. Image by Prathankarnpap via Shutterstock.
Image by Prathankarnpap via Shutterstock.

The draft texts of IHI calls 9 and 10 are now available on the Future opportunities page of the IHI website. Both calls are scheduled for launch in early 2025, but we are publishing the draft topics now to give applicants additional time to prepare a strong proposal and join or build a winning consortium.

IHI call 9 – a single-stage, applicant driven call

As already announced, IHI call 9 will be a single-stage, applicant driven call with five topics aligned with the five specific objectives set out in the IHI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). For this call, we want applicants to explore the SRIA and identify untapped opportunities that could be transformed into public-private projects through IHI.

People who have an idea for a project are encouraged to share it through our online brokerage platform and via a pitch at our brokerage event in November.

For more information on the call, what makes a good idea for an IHI project proposal, and how to share a proposal for a project, catch up on our recent info session.

IHI call 10 – a two-stage call with topics on PFAS, the EHDS, and digital labelling

IHI call 10 will be a standard, two-stage call for proposals with the following topics:

What happens next?

The topics for both calls are currently under consultation with our States’ Representatives Group (SRG) and Science and Innovation Panel (SIP). They may therefore change considerably between the versions published here and the call launch, and applicants should check the final, approved topic texts once the calls are launched.

Nevertheless, we strongly encourage anyone interested in these topics to start preparing a proposal and get networking with potential partners.

IHI will hold info sessions on both calls early next year; these will cover the topics, our rules and procedures, and (for single-stage calls), financial aspects of the proposal.

Stay up to date

For the latest news on updates to the draft topic texts, info sessions and brokerage opportunities:

All information regarding future IHI call topics is indicative and subject to change. Final information about future IHI calls will be communicated after approval by the IHI Governing Board.